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Zintel Complaints Handling Process

Zintel Communications Pty Ltd Complaints Handling Process

As a customer orientated organisation dedicated to the satisfaction of its customers, Zintel Communications Pty Ltd has a Complaints Policy so as to ensure all complaints are handled as efficiently and effectively as possible. You have a right to make a complaint to us about any Zintel product or service. You may also use an Authorised Representative and/or an Advocate (as defined in the Telecommunication Consumer Protections Code (Industry Code)) to make a complaint on your behalf. We will not implement any proposed resolution to address your complaint before we obtain your acceptance to do so. The following outlines our policy and procedures for the handling of verbal and written complaints.

This Policy is compliant with the Industry Code. Our complaints handling process is under the direction of Zintel’s Operations Manager, who is responsible for ensuring its implementation, effective and efficient operation and compliance in accordance with the requirements of chapter 8 of the Telecommunications Consumer Protections Code and has been approved by the executive management of Zintel.

Our Responsibilities

  • Provide an efficient, fair and structured mechanism for handling complaints.
  • Provide our customers with access to the complaints handling process, including those customers with disabilities and special needs.
  • Keep customers informed as to the progress of their complaint and the expected timeframe for resolution.
  • Regularly review details of closed complaints in order to improve our standard of customer service.
  • Whilst an investigation into a matter is taking place, we will not demand payment of genuinely disputed amounts.

Handling Your Complaint

  • Upon receiving a verbal or written complaint, we will acknowledge the complaint immediately if made in person or by telephone or within 2 Working Days if made in writing.
  • Our aim is to resolve complaints in a timely manner. Where possible we will seek to resolve a complaint on first contact and we will advise you of the proposed resolution of your matter within 15 working days from the date the complaint is received.
  • Complex complaints may take longer to resolve. In these cases, we will regularly update you on the progress and likely timeframe for resolution and the alternative processes available to you.
  • We will advise you of the outcome of your complaint. Where you have requested us to do so, we will advise you in writing.
  • Our complaints handling process is free of charge other than for:
    • your call costs (if your complaint is made by telephone);
    • where your complaint requires us to retrieve information we collected from you more than 2 years before your complaint was lodged; or
    • where your complaint requires us to provide information in a form or quantity inconsistent with our contract with you or the relevant Offer’s Critical Information Summary.
  • If we think your complaint requires a charge, we will not impose one without prior discussion with you.
  • If your complaint is upheld in your favor, and we have charged you complaint handling fees, we will credit you the full amount of the fees charged within 10 working days of you accepting the complaint resolution.
  • While we will investigate complaints to the extent necessary given the seriousness of the complaint, we may also choose to resolve a complaint commercially to your satisfaction without conducting an investigation.

Monitoring Your Complaint
We will keep you informed of the progress of your complaint, proposed actions and the expected timeframe for resolution. However, you can monitor the progress of your complaint by contacting our Customer Service on 13 38 64 during business hours from Monday to Friday 8.30am – 5.00pm EST or by sending us an email anytime at

Steps in Lodging a Complaint

Step One
If you have a complaint regarding any aspect of your account or dealings with Zintel, we urge you to telephone Customer Service in the first instance on 13 38 64 during business hours from Monday to Friday 8.30am – 5.00pm EST. Our Consultant will give you their name so you know with whom you are speaking.

If you require special assistance to formulate, lodge and progress a complaint due to disability or if you are from a non-English speaking background, please let us know you need help or contact us via the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 for further assistance. Please confirm the charge with TIS before engaging their services. If you are suffering financial hardship please refer to our Financial Hardship policy which is available on our website or can be requested by calling 13 38 64.

Our objective is to resolve the vast majority of telephone complaints upon your first contact with us. Your call to our 1800 number is free to call from a fixed line within Australia.  If we are unable to resolve your complaint upon first contact (e.g. because records need to be reviewed), we will respond to your complaint within 15 Working Days if possible.

If you prefer to put your complaint in writing, we will acknowledge your letter by telephone within 2 Working Days of receipt of your letter.

Our Customer Service agent will record your complaint and send it back to you in writing together with our response, to ensure that we have understood your issue and that it has been handled accordingly.

Step Two
Should you not be satisfied with the response tendered to you, you may ask for your complaint to be escalated to a Supervisor and he or she will liaise with you to resolve your complaint as soon as possible (Escalated Complaints). You can forward correspondence via mail to:

Complaints Department
Locked Bag 3700

Alternatively, you can email your complaint to Please include full details and information supporting your complaint as failure to do so may cause unnecessary time delays in resolving your issue.

Step Three
Complaints made to Zintel are overseen by the Operations Manager. This person is committed to supporting Customer Service & Accounts Supervision areas and carrying out reviews of policy and process to maintain the effective and efficient operation of our complaints handling process. The Operations Manager will attend to matters that are unable to be resolved within the usual scope of the complaints process.

If you are not satisfied with the response tendered to you through the first two steps, you may ask our Customer Service or Accounts Representative to escalate your complaint to the Operations Manager.

Step Four
If your complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction by Zintel and depending on the nature of your complaint you may refer your complaint to the following outside bodies:

  • The Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (“TIO”) is an independent and free alternate dispute resolution scheme for residential and small business consumers in respect of disputes over which the TIO has jurisdiction. The TIO views itself as an office of last resort.
  • To lodge a complaint with the TIO you can call 1800 062 058 or online at:
  • The Office of the Federal Privacy Commissioner (“OFPC”) can assist you with all matters related to privacy.
  • To lodge a complaint with the OFPC you can call 1300 363 992 or visit
  • For certain telecommunications and trade practices issues, you may lodge a complaint to:
  • The Fair Trading Office in your state;
    – The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission
  • You may also seek independent legal advice from a solicitor as an alternative avenue for resolution

If Your Complaint is Urgent
Zintel aims to ensure that our complaint handling process offers an efficient and effective resolution to all customers. However, if we determine that your complaint is urgent, we will provide confirmation of the proposed resolution of the urgent aspects of the complaint and, if accepted by you, implement the urgent aspects of the resolution within 2 working days after the date the complaint is received. Your complaint will be treated as urgent in the following circumstances:

  • you have applied for, or been accepted as being in, Financial Hardship under Zintel’s Financial Hardship Policy and the subject matter of the complaint can reasonably be presumed to directly contribute to or aggravate your Financial Hardship;
  • disconnection of your service is imminent or has occurred and due process has not been followed; or
  • you are a Priority Assistance Customer (as defined in the Priority Assistance for Life Threatening Medical Conditions Code ACIF C607:2007) and the complaint concerns a service for which you are receiving Priority Assistance.